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One couldn't answer better !
I was just wondering if there were a little hope to see it at least in the non-free section as it not part of the official distribution.



From: Joseph Carter <knghtbrd@debian.org>
To: Jerome Marant <jerome_marant@hotmail.com>
CC: debian-devel@lists.debian.org, kde-licensing@kde.org
Subject: Re: KDE
Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 07:33:51 -0700

On Fri, Jul 09, 1999 at 12:22:26PM +0200, Jerome Marant wrote:
> Will kde be included in the next Debian release ?

Probably not potato.  The reason why is that Qt 2.0 linked KDE will not be
useful that soon and even if it WERE useful there's still an issue between
the GPL and any license not the GPL (free or not)...

KDE is/was talking about a license change (which will be a fair amount of
work in itself) and I've been working in my spare time (what spare time?)
on a license which I hope to offer them soon.  I really like where I'm
going with the license, I just need ten minutes to think about how to word
a couple of things so they say what I'm trying to get them to say.

When I have a draft I'll post it on our -legal list for initial comments
(are there any serious problems that affect this license in a way that
would cause it to work other than as I mean it to?) and then to the
kde-licensing list (is this workable and is it worth the effort of
migrating to it?)

I'm determined that the license problems will go away and I will make sure
they go away and that I will see the day that any argument against the
legality of KDE's distribution is simply a troll.  (no pun intended)

It's just a long road and a lot of the KDE coders just aren't terribly
interested in legal wrangling.  The phrase "shut up and code" has become
popular in recent months.  Unfortunately I've got issues with building the
foundation of what will hopefully one day break the wintel duopoly on a
legal house of cards.

(now if I'd spent as long working on the license as I did on this email,
it might get DONE THIS CENTURY...  =p)

Joseph Carter <knghtbrd@debian.org>            Debian GNU/Linux developer
PGP: E8D68481E3A8BB77 8EE22996C9445FBE            The Source Comes First!
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