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Re: Postfix as default MTA?

On 28-Jun-99, 08:26 (CDT), Christian Meder <meder@isr.uni-stuttgart.de> wrote: 
> postfix some real world experience wrt configurability. If postfix is 
> fast that's nice but the _default_ Debian MTA should be _very_ configurable
> too as it's used in setups ranging from dialup home systems to heavily
> loaded mailinglist managers.

While I have no real opinion about postfix vs. exim, I'm not sure
I agree with this statement. Yes, the default should be easily
configurable to a wide variety of situations, mostly by people who are
not MTA literate (which is probably more of a documentation issue, and
points to the need for cookbook-type setups: "if your situation is X,
then do Y"). But why does the default need to be able to handle the
Linux kernel mailling lists? Anybody running a major mailling list
server should be able to install and configure an alternative MTA, if
that's what it takes.

Of course, I won't object if the Debian default is all things to all
people. But I don't think it needs to be such.


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