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Re: Automatically closing bugs

>     dinstall will look for a Format field of 1.6 and a new Closes field.
>     Closes is a space separated list of bugs closed by the upload.  In
>     your changelog, the perl regular expression
>     /closes:\s*(bug)?\#\d+(,\s*(bug)?\#\d+)*/i is used to build the
>     Closes field.
> But from one try it seems that the format is more like "closes: #1234"
> (so without the word "bug").

The '?' in the regexp (i.e., "(bug)?") means that the word "bug" is
optional.  But if you use it, there may be no space between the word
bug and the following (mandatory) "#" sign.  Also, the /i at the end
means that case is irrelevant, so:
  Closes:    BUG#12345,#40101, bug#33333
will also work, but
  closes : bug #16777, 30303
won't for three reasons: (1) space between "closes" and ":", (2) space
after "bug", (3) no "#" before 30303.



  Julian Gilbey, Dept of Maths, QMW, Univ. of London. J.D.Gilbey@qmw.ac.uk
        Debian GNU/Linux Developer,  see http://www.debian.org/~jdg

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