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Re: Niced cron jobs

On Thu, Jun 24, 1999 at 09:24:58AM +1000, Craig Sanders wrote:

> niced cron jobs be a disastrous on heavily loaded servers that never
> have any idle time to service the niced jobs. ....

> this is not just speculation, it's experience. i've seen it happen
> because i've tried it myself...

Ok, this is a real, valid objection:-)

> it might be worthwhile trialling it on workstations which use
> anacron, but i think it would be disastrous to do it for machines
> which are up 24/7.

Yes, it is people with anacron who really want this (well, I guess if
anyone is awake and working whenever the standard cron job runs, they
might want it too).  If it's easy to do with just anacron it would be
cool, if it's a PITA, it's not that important, and I guess we could
drop it.

David N. Welton            <   Sors immanis - et inanis - rota tu volubilis,
davidw@prosa.it            >  status malus - vana salus - semper dissolubilis,
http://www.efn.org/~davidw <   obumbrata - et velata - michi quoque niteris;
debian.org + prosa.it      > nunc per ludum - dorsum nudum - fero tui sceleris.

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