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Re: Niced cron jobs

On Wed, Jun 23, 1999 at 02:23:35PM -0700, Aaron Van Couwenberghe wrote:

> Has anyone made a formal proposal of this? If not, it was never
> really considered by the Debian democratic process. I'd be willing
> to write something up, if someone will let me know that it hasn't
> already been done.

Not to my knowledge.  It seemed like a pretty little thing, and not
something worth the bother of all the bureaucracy.  However, if that's
what it takes to get something done, then by all means go for it, with
my thanks for your time:-)

David N. Welton            <   Sors immanis - et inanis - rota tu volubilis,
davidw@prosa.it            >  status malus - vana salus - semper dissolubilis,
http://www.efn.org/~davidw <   obumbrata - et velata - michi quoque niteris;
debian.org + prosa.it      > nunc per ludum - dorsum nudum - fero tui sceleris.

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