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Re: Anacron (was: Add "nice -10" to /etc/crontab run-parts comma

On Wed, Jun 09, 1999 at 12:27:35AM +0200, Remco Blaakmeer wrote:


> > > This would be very tricky.


> If you want to see if there is somebody sitting at the console, you'll
> have to find a way to monitor keyboard and mouse usage.

This sounds like over engineering.  A simple "nice" isn't perfect, but
it's quite unobtrusive, won't do anything wierd, is easy to
understand, and easy to change.

David N. Welton            <   Sors immanis - et inanis - rota tu volubilis,
davidw@prosa.it            >  status malus - vana salus - semper dissolubilis,
http://www.efn.org/~davidw <   obumbrata - et velata - michi quoque niteris;
debian.org + prosa.it      > nunc per ludum - dorsum nudum - fero tui sceleris.

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