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Re: Add "nice -10" to /etc/crontab run-parts commands?

On Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 11:43:26PM -0400, Shaleh wrote:
> Remember, not everyone using Linux uses it at home.  Debian tries to be the
> middle ground.  conffiles are designated that way for this reason (and others).

Besides the fact that this doesn't change the matter at all (Even on a
server it would seem reasonable to "nice" cron jobs) I would still think,
the home user should be the measure for the standard configuration. Anybody
running Linux for the first time, is very likely to run it on a home
machine. And on top of that, any other machine will be configured
non-standard anyway, so adjusting the standard configuration for that is
impossible right from the beginning.

IMPORTANT: Of course, Debian must cover all these non-standard cases the
best it can! The way to go must be: "Make it easy and comfortable to use for
the geeks, but make it even easier to use for those who do not know their
way around (yet)"

One last point: It is often far easier to deactivate a feature you do not
like than to implement something you miss. OK, there is no big difference
here but still it seems easier to delete "nice -10" but to find out the
exact syntax and the place where it has to be put.

-- ______________________________________________________
--          To Him, even that machine here has to obey...
-- _________________________________Norbert "Nobbi" Nemec
-- Hindenburgstr. 44  ...  D-91054 Erlangen  ...  Germany
-- eMail: <nobbi@cheerful.com>    Tel: +49-(0)-911-204180

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