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Wish to orphan or kill: dbuild; Or: Is it of any actual use?

My nightly dbuild cron job has started to fail. I haven't had time to
investigate why, and before I allocate the time, I'd like to offer the
package for someone else to maintain and run. I don't have the
time to do a good job on it: either for developing the script itself
(it has needed a rewrite for a long time, preferably in a better
language than /bin/sh) or for running it on a Debian source
mirror and examining the results.

Dbuild is a tool for unpacking Debian source packages and
building Debian binary packages from them. It has competition:
the buildd daemon that is actually being used to compile many
of the architectures being worked on by Debian. Unlike dbuild,
buildd actually works well. :)

Because of this situation, before anyone else adopts the
package, the question should be asked whether there is any
point in keeping the package alive. Specifically: Is anyone using 

If no-one gives a reason not to, within a week or two, I plan
to withdraw the package from the archive. (Hypothetical users
are not reason enough.) There is no point in inflating the archive
with unused packages, especially something that is probably only
useful for Debian developers.

(Killing dbuild would give me ample free time to, say, finish off
the Debian source statistics program rewrite. :-)

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