Re: Interactive installation [was Re: Caldera installation...]
>>>>> "Oliver" == Oliver Elphick <> writes:
Oliver> We need:
Oliver> 1) a tool to let {pre,post}inst scripts get arbitrary data
Oliver> In the postinst, I currently prompt for the date setting
Oliver> and read the response. I should like instead to say
Oliver> response=`dpkg-query package question`
Oliver> dpkg-query should search its (text) database for
Oliver> package,question and return the stored response; if
Oliver> nothing is stored, it should prompt the user with the
Oliver> question and store and return the response.
Oliver> Additional options to dpkg-query should enable it to
Oliver> extract data from the various other sources you mention
Oliver> (ldap, xml, sql, ...) or from internationalised question
Oliver> databases.
It could connect to an `apt' frontend, or to a dialog thing, and use
a GUI to get the response from the user also, couldn't it? Isn't
that the sort of thing that CORBA or a message bus like koalatalk is
meant for?
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