Re: intent of package seti@home
John Hasler <> writes:
> Kevin Dalley writes:
> > SETI@Home wants to know whether a given piece of data has been analyzed.
> > You don't need a Cray to send billions of "nobody's home message".
> You also don't need a Cray to reverse-engineer the client and figure out
> the protocol. seti@home is very naive if they think that witholding the
> source will protect them. They are using an unreliable network of
> unreliable and untrustworthy computers. The sensible defense against this
> sort of attack as well as other false negatives is to send each piece of
> data to several clients, and only consider it analyzed when they receive
> several sets of identical results back.
Yes, though fewer people are likely to fake an executable only program
than a program which includes source code. Sending data to multiple
sources reduces the processing power substantially. Perhaps
occasional false data with a fake signal would help.
A second problem with source code is that people may try making
changes and analyzing the SETI@Home data anyway. The speed would not
be as fast, but the results would not be dependable. Sending data to
multiple clients usually protects against this problem, though a
widely distributed modification may still create problems. False data
would only help a little, depending upon the bug introduced in the
changed code.
> > My old 486 could send back many possibly false negatives, downloading new
> > data and immediately turning it around with negative results.
> And if their software is any good that client will be marked bad and all
> its results ignored. Time stamping each piece of data and rejecting
> clients that produce impossibly quick results is an obvious and easy bit of
> validation.
And if I know their definition of impossibly quick, then I slow down
my forging.
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