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Fwd: Re: If Debian wants to grow, let it grow. Or: King James reading Anarchy FAQ

Quoting Marcus Brinkmann <Marcus.Brinkmann@ruhr-uni-bochum.de>:

> My real point is that Debian can't can't can't judge about functionality.
> Thanks,
> Marcus

I second on this. However, Debian can offer alternative for those
"data packages". Some suggest a section ['etext' or 'data' I think],
but I should prefer a completely different [arch|dist|codename]. 

Why? Most of the data packages have the particularity to not follow
the same release cycle as software. Most of the time, they even not
change or included who not add or remove functionnality. So, most of
the time, you even don't want to download the new version (eg. it's
a long time seen I download the xbooks package, currently, I just don't
need them so I keep them back). Also, some of those packages can only
increase in size (like the zines packages, HOWTO, themes...) and this is a
problem for CD distributors and mirrors. Currently, there are no easy way 
for one of those partners to make a clear distinction among thos kind of

What I propose is a seperate codename directory, possibly with no release
management [ can someone fill a release-critical bugs against the fortunes
files or the KJ bible? ], free to use for any maintainers. Packages in
main should not Depends on them, or even Recommends them, but could Suggests
any of them. The distro can be separate in non-free and main sections
because I clearly want those packages stay in the Debian distributions
[Debian Official Extended CD ?]. Main will stay open for any data packages
but maintainers will strongly be recommended to put only the minimal sets
for a working, useful and documented system in Main and put every extra
(extra screensavers, extra themes, extra docs, etc.) in the new repository.

I think Debian Maintainers are enough responsible to not enforce it too
much and we just want to help people to mirror and distribute Debian.
Everybody win this way.

Just my 2 pennies.

Fabien Ninoles
Debian/GNU Linux Maintainer

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