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Re: Let's CENSOR it! (was: Uploaded anarchism 7.5-1 (source all) to master)

On Tue, Mar 23, 1999 at 11:03:30AM +0100, Santiago Vila wrote:

> > and releasing them would have interfered with work in progress by
> > that maintainer.
> No, this is not true. The maintainer had not any "work in progress" to
> solve the problem in another way which I could have "interfered",

"work in progress" is not limited to just solving your particular
problem.  X is a lot of hard work, most of which is a lot more important
than a minor packaging aesthetic "problem".

> because I finally did not release them and the problem was not solved
> at all.

he released a dummy xbase package which depended on all the new
packages.  I remember that distinctly because i wrote him a message
complaining about the fact that i was now forced to install xmh and
(mh|exmh), because it wasn't clear that the 'xbase' package was now
obsolete and i could remove it if i wanted.

> The maintainer's wishes in this case were to *not* solve a known
> problem.  Sorry, but I don't think this is acceptable.

a maintainer has to decide on his/her own priorities.  Brandon was in
the middle of a major re-organisation of the X packages and, AFAICT, had
far more important things to deal with.

in any case, he ended up solving it in his own way. it wasn't the same
as your way, but it did the job.

> Maybe this is not a case of proper censorship, but there are many
> similarities.

it doesn't seem at all like censorship to me. it seems more like a case
of a maintainer saying "stop interfering with my work".


craig sanders

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