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Re: Intent to package: "birthday"

> 	As a matter of fact the beginning of the Millenium is
> 1/1/2001, since there was no year 0 in Christian calendar (read
> (http://www.21net.com/home/about.htm#When) But this is because the
> monk that was pushed to decide when Jesus was born, Dionisius "el
> Exiguo" (don't know how to translate this from Spanish), and change
> the Roman calendar (based on Rome's fundation: Ab Urbe Condita) to
> the christian calendar (based on Jesus birth: Anno Domini), numbered
> from -1 A.D (1 b.c), to 1 A.D.

well if you want to look at it from the pov of jesus' birth, it's not
a year off -- it's at least four years off, according to conventional
historical wisdom. so the millenium defined as jesus' 1000th year is
calendar year 1996. however most of the world doesn't care about that,
nor do we consider new year's day to be 1/12 just because eleven days
were eliminated in 1752. we use the calendar as it is, not as some
people think should be.


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