Re: Question about conflicts
maybe you ucan do it a little more simply if you can handle conflicting
with all versions of package greater than r, so you could do conflicts:
package (< p), package (> r), which will work if, say, r introduced an
incompatibility with q, but will not work if the incompatibility was fixed
in s :( if it was you will have to say conflicts: package (<p), package (=
r), package (= r + 1), ..., package (= s) which can get hideously
long. maybe if you also depends: package, you can doi depends: package (q)
| package (> s). this brings up a point i had been wondering about: dpkg
should accept a ! in the depends field, which would mean the same as
conflicts: but could be used in an or, which would make this problem very
easy to solve.
--p. (not a developer but i play one on tv)
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