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Linux Expo (in Raleigh)

I'm coordinating for Debian at the booth at Linux Expo (this the one
in Raleigh, NC, US not the similarly named one in CA, US).

I'm concerned with three issues at the moment:

1) I'm looking for volunteers to help run the booth.  If you will be
   around and are willing to stand at the booth and answer questions
   (even if for only a short time) then please let me know.  Please
   also include what days and times you will be available.

Times are
Wednesday, May 19th: Exhibitor Setup 11am-8pm
Thursday, May 20th: Exhibits 10am-5pm
Thursday, May 21th: Exhibits 10am-5pm
Thursday, May 22th: Exhibits 10am-2pm

2) There is a discount of 10% for groups of 5+ on conference fees.  If 
   there are people out there planning on going to the talks I'd like
   to get a group together to get the discount.  The prices for each
   day can be found on the Linux Expo website (www.linuxexpo.org) (not 
   com).  Let me know what track you want to attend etc.

3) Accommodations:  I thought it'd be nice to try and get accommodations 
   all in the same hotel (transport costs, maybe we could get cheaper
   rates for a large group (maybe )).  So let me know if you are
   interested in this.

Anyone who is planning on coming and may have some financial problems
please let me know about that as well.

If possible send me any return message personally as well as posting
to the list (or don't post to the list as the mood suits you :).

@James LewisMoss <dres@ioa.com>         |  Blessed Be!
@    http://www.ioa.com/~dres           |  Linux is kewl!
@"Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours." Bach

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