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Debian booth at 3rd Linux Days, Grenoble - France

Now that LinuxWorld is over, let's get to the second most important Linux
event on Earth : The 3rd Linux Days, organized by the Linux UG at Grenoble, 
France (http://linux.inrialpes.fr/Journees/) :-)

Sounds like joke, doesn't it?  Well, it will be a very local, frenchy
meeting, but the Grenoble's Users Group is the second in size in France and
a lot of non-techies guys are expected to attend (also, Miguel de Icaza
will give a talk).

Although the organizers are very rpm-centric, they conceded me a "sort of"
booth to present Debian.  My intention is to transform this "sort of" booth
into a killer booth by giving away Debian 2.1 CDs at will.

The problem: I am not that rich!  Is it possible to have this action
subsidized?  SPI?  Anyone?  Even selling the CDs would be okay, provided
that the price is kept as low as possible.

Last thing: I would like also to get from the experienced people some
advice on how to run a booth.

Thanks for your attention and help, 

Rafael Laboissiere, Debian developer
Institut de la Communication Parlee | Email: rafael@icp.inpg.fr
UPRESS A CNRS 5009 / INPG           | Voice: +33
46, av. Felix Viallet               |   Fax: +33
F-38031 Grenoble CEDEX 1 France     |   URL: http://www.icp.inpg.fr/~rafael

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