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Re: FVWM 2.2 officially released

> On Tue, 23 Feb 1999, David Welton wrote:
> > Sounds great - that's all anyone can be expected to do.  Thanks for
> > your time - I'm looking forward to trying out the new fvwm2
> > packages:->
> Does anybody know if it is possible to use it with Gnome?
> Just a word to the fvwm maintainer:  Why not orphaning fvwm1?  Someone
> who does it need will take the package and if not there isn't someone
> who needs it.  Its easy in my opinion.

It's been offered for a while now; there are only three open bug
reports against it; there's been no work on it for years (version
1.24r-25 was released Aug 96, 1.24r-25.1, an NMU for libc6 in Nov 97,
and my very recent release for new maintainer this week).  I've got
one more to come, hopefully tomorrow, with the package renaming to
fvwm1.  I think it is clear that this package is basically dead: if
anyone wanted so much to fix it, upgrade it or whatever, they've had
over two years to do so.  I am more than happy for someone to take it
over if they actually want it, but it seems unlikely that anyone
does.  But given the arguments for keeping it in the main
distribution, I've left it in x11 with priority extra.



  Julian Gilbey, Dept of Maths, QMW, Univ. of London. J.D.Gilbey@qmw.ac.uk
             Debian GNU/Linux Developer.  jdg@debian.org
       -*- Finger jdg@master.debian.org for my PGP public key. -*-

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