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Re: Removing Michael Alan Dorman <mdorman@debian.org) from the project.

"Michael" == Michael Alan Dorman <mdorman-debian-alpha@debian.org> writes:

Michael> are in this situation.  bash, for instance---arguably more
Michael> important than anything I maintain right now---has bugs
Michael> nearly two years old.  How about boot-floppies---it's got
Michael> stuff as old as anything in my packages.  Cron?  emacs (pick
Michael> your favorite version)?  LILO?

Yes, but the question is whats actively maintained.  The boot-floppies
aren't a problem but emacs20 and lilo are (Rob Browning is somewhat
missing and lilo was being hotly contested, last I checked.)
So this problem is indeed more widespread than this case.

Michael> For better or worse, this happens.  I'm not proud that it
Michael> happens, and I'm not proud that it happens to me, but it
Michael> happens, and I don't think this organization can relieve
Michael> people of their duties unwillingly.

Maybe it can't, since other cases I know of were because the
maintainer had simply disappeared.  But then, maybe it should have
this power.

Take at the non-us situation, for example: We have suffered with a
buggy and sometimes useless non-us.debian.org for months because its
maintainers are alive, but ineffective.  People have offered us
hardware, bandwidth, and actual accounts for our ftpmaster team (not
available in the current situation), yet we can do nothing.

I think there are cases where the Project and its user base should
come before hurt feelings, as cold as this sounds.

Michael> Or maybe I should say "you", since the only response I've
Michael> heard is netgod, who feels that my status in tbe BTS
Michael> abrogates anything I might have done, like creating the

This isn't my position actually -- I don't want anyone "removed from
the Project" because of this.  But a way of provisionally adopting
forgotten packages (without this political backlash) would be nice.

Right now the QA Group only does packages no one else will touch.  But
we have 6,830 bugs open, some of which are easily fixable.  Right now
we always wait for the official maintainer to one year get to it.
Must we really?

Michael> I hope that's not the case, but if that's the way people
Michael> feel---if your worth is inverse proportion to the number of
Michael> bugs in the BTS, then so be it.

I hope few feel this way, because in some cases its a direct
proportion: people hard at work on huge packages with lots of upstream
bugs.  (Hi Overfiend.)

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/ /__| | | | | |_| |>  <      World Domination, of course.           mm   mm
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