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Re: Reality check! [was: Re: Debian goes big business?]

	I did a fresh install yesterday from a hamm CD (our free
CheapBytes CD).  I chose the scientifc workstation option.  This
caused a minor nightmare.  The only reason I was able to complete the
install is because I have a few hundred hours experience in
maintaining debian systems.  I really like Debian, but it's
installation is just terrible. (One problem is that fweb can get into
a state in which it can be neither installed nor removed) I can't
complain though, because I am not going to take the time to fix it in
the near future.  
	A commercial venture would be a good idea, because a
full time employee could do quite a bit for the installation process
in a few months, and contribute back to the project.

John Lapeyre <lapeyre@physics.arizona.edu>
Tucson,AZ     http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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