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Re: intent to package slashem

>Slash'em (Super Lotsa Added Stuff Hack - Extended Magic) is a variant
>of Nethack. Slash'em is developed more open than NetHack and new
>versions is generated faster.

But it is MUCH buggier.

>The Slash'em homepage:
>A .tgz of the source with the real filenames:

That is 2 versions out of date, and unlikely to be aggressively kept up to
date, although I anticipate getting a 4E4 out, and tracking the releases
which are primarily Kevin fixing bugs rather than Warren generating them.

Additionally, although I have generated decent Makefiles, I have made no
attempt to make the X11 support (or the *SPIT* Qt *SPIT* support) work; I
really put this together out of curiosity, and was surprised when people
started using it when it was made available for downloading.
David/Kirsty Damerell.                       damerell@chiark.greenend.org.uk
CUWoCS President.  http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~damerell/   Hail Eris!
|___|         Time for some bonking. I likes a bit of bonking!         |___|
| | |                (Trapdoor - British children's TV)                | | |

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