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Re: intent to package TETware and VSX-PCTS from TOG

On 12-Jan-99, 09:53 (CST), Dale Scheetz <dwarf@polaris.net> wrote: 
> I would read that to mean "packages other than those distributed with the
> delivered OS", otherwise all Debian packages with priority less than
> Standard could be considered "add-on package" and would be required to go
> into /opt.
> Debian as not yet chosen to addopt FHS, and most of the discussions on FHS
> have made it clear that many developers don't want to adopt /opt for
> anything delivered by Debian. It was for this reason that I did not
> suggest /opt as a viable solution.

While I agree with your general opinion (/opt is not generally used
by Debian delivered software) TETware seems like a good exception.
Its directory layout is not FSSTND compatible, and making it so would
break its main clients (the test cases) (this is assuming I correctly
understood your previous description). /usr/lib is somehow unappealing,
although I suppose it's the best second choice.


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