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E15 CVS .debs


This is just an email to let the public know that there ARE
.debs of Enlightenment 0.15 CVS now for individual download (they will not 
be put in the main distribution.)  They passed the first run-over quite well 
by several people, so I figured I'd post an announcement so people can go grab 
them.  They are built off of the Nov 4th 98 CVS tree of E.  There are also
updated .debs of esound and stringlist.  If you have any questions email me
at bma@debian.org

The .debs can be found at:


Go throw them up against the wall, beat them bloody, and lemme know what's
wrong :)

Brian Almeida <bma@debian.org>   http://www.debian.org/~bma/
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