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Re: Debian Free Software (FSF) or Open Source? (was Re; non-cd...)

>>"Kevin" == Kevin Atkinson <kevina@clark.net> writes:

 Kevin> With the new Open Source movement I think it is time to
 Kevin> reexamine your true mission.  If you want to create a pure GNU
 Kevin> system than continue what you are doing.  However if you want
 Kevin> to have an active role in the Open Source movement--that Linus
 Kevin> supports--than I see the debain philosophy as a major
 Kevin> roadblock if kept unchanged.  Chances are more major linux
 Kevin> programs will use free (but not free to debian standards) to
 Kevin> accularate development.

	I see you  have no clue about what you are talking about. Read
 the open source statement. Read the DFSG. Tell us what you
 find  substantiatively different. Jeeze.

 Kevin> What it really boils down to is what movement Debian wishes to support.

	Please read the social contract before you speak on this any
 further, itrshall save evryones time.

 Kevin> So which one does Debian which to support FSF or Open Source?  I really
 Kevin> hope it is Open Source...
	The open source statement is a copy of the DFSG. So really,
 the open source peole are following debians lead here.

	Talk to me again when you have read up on all this.

 Like fresh milk a bad deed does not turn at once. It follows a fool
 scorching him like a smouldering fire. 71
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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