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GTK+-based AWR (was Re: On java programs & main/contrib)

On Jun 27, Alex Yukhimets decided to present us with:
> > system? (Including GTK+ powered awt, and if possible a non-X awt)
> Can we please stop dreaming?

Why? I like dreaming. I'm in the Debian project. And I don't
think this is dreaming - read on.

> GTK+ -powered AWT is something not worth spending ANY effort.
> GTK+ is not even compared to Motif in features (and remember JDK works fine 
> with Lesstif now), not to mention that jdk1.2 will be using Java-powered AWT.

So what? AWT has much less features than motif. There is AWT in
the mac, in windows, damn, in every place there is java, and
most of them don't use motif. I really don't get it.

(Also, the GIMP was ported from motif to GTK+; this means GTK+
was originally written for a motif program. So, should be

Java-powered AWT is good. Maybe this Kore AWT could be as much
java-based as possible. But still, when not possible anymore,
use GTK+, not motif.

> Plus, no serious Java developer would use this "Kore" classes in case of even 
> slight suspicion of incompatibility.

What are you talking about? This is java. Developers use
whatever they want. Users can use Kore instead of sun's classes.

If I can run a java program that was compiled with the Mac JDK
in my Linux JDK (and I can even run it on japhar or some other
non-sun VM), why can't I run them with Kore?

Note that microsoft's IE does not use the classes from sun, they
wrote their own version. And programs compiled against sun's run
in microsoft's, and even vice-versa.

So one of us has lost some part of the conversation.

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