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Re: Constitution - formal proposal (v0.5)

This is mostly a grammatical post but other stuff as well.

1. Introduction --> "who have made common cause", this reads odd.
2.1 point 1 "A person who does not want to do perform a task", the do
seems superfluous
3.1 Powers seems to allow a developer to ignore Debian policy

It seems that the Leader can prevent people from joining the technical
commitee and thus allow only people who are in his "camp" a voice there

8.1 point 2 what does vetting mean???

And it has been mentioned before but....  When you say a 2:1 majority
are we speaking of ALL developers and those able to vote or just those
who voted?  Or is the default a NULL vote, and this is changed as people
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- Jason Bonham Band, "Ordinary Black and White"

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