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Re: idea for a new debian mailserver?

hilliard@metrolink.net (Robert D. Hilliard) writes:

>      I think this would be an abysmally bad idea.  I maintain a local
> mirror of hamm, and it requires 18 to 20 hours a week fetching new
> packages.  This is done at night, while network loads are relatively
> light.  If this came in by mail, it would usually be during the day,
> when the net is heavily loaded and slower.  I typically retrieve mail
> by fetchmail 2 - 8 times a day, staying on line from 30 seconds to 5
> minutes at a time.  If new packages were coming in the mail, this
> would change to hours of waiting for my mail, which would be
> unacceptable.

What you really want if you don't have room for a mirror is to just
use something like dftp which will fetch all the updated packages.
Run it at night, and you're done.  I would guess that you could even
still use dselect as long as dftp put them where dselect would find

Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu>
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