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Re: idea for a new debian mailserver?

     I think this would be an abysmally bad idea.  I maintain a local
mirror of hamm, and it requires 18 to 20 hours a week fetching new
packages.  This is done at night, while network loads are relatively
light.  If this came in by mail, it would usually be during the day,
when the net is heavily loaded and slower.  I typically retrieve mail
by fetchmail 2 - 8 times a day, staying on line from 30 seconds to 5
minutes at a time.  If new packages were coming in the mail, this
would change to hours of waiting for my mail, which would be


On Tue, 17 Feb 1998, "Joop Stakenborg <stakenborg@hyph.azr.nl> wrote:
> Could a mail service be set up, so new packages that
> arrive in the new distrubution (which have passed
> incoming) are mailed to developers?

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