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Re: lintian/tcpquota

>>"Ulf" == Ulf Fredriksson <turbo@tripnet.se> writes:

Ulf> I just uploaded the new version of TCPQuota (1.6.11) which should
Ulf> fix most of the lintian bugs...

Ulf> I have some questions though:

Ulf> 1. E: tcpquota: binary-without-manpage tcpquotaconfig
Ulf>    E: tcpquota: binary-without-manpage verifytcpquota

Ulf> These are used by the postinst script and by cron to verify that
Ulf> the daemon is up and running... They are not 'user
Ulf> binaries'. Should they realy have manpages?

	Move them to /usr/lib/tcpquota then. Any thing likely to be in
 a users path has to have a man page.

Ulf> 2. E: tcpquota: debmake-templates-in-copyright

Ulf> I'm the author (one of them any way) and this is our copyright
Ulf> (GPL)... ?

	Move the copyright to the copyright file. Put a description of
 what tcpquota does in the description. When I am installing from
 main, I kinda know where the copyright falls (or else it would not be
 in main). I do not necessarily know what a package does.

Ulf> 3. W: tcpquota: relative-conffile etc/cron.weekly/tcpquotad
Ulf>    W: tcpquota: relative-conffile etc/init.d/tcpquotad
Ulf>    W: tcpquota: relative-conffile etc/tcpquota/tcpquota.cf

Ulf> I read in some of the new-maintainer docs before I became a
Ulf> developer that that was the way, use relative paths...

	Except for links into /etc and /var.

Ulf> When I create the package, it should install in 'debian/tmp/....'
Ulf> NOT '/etc'... That's why I used relative, because when the
Ulf> install is taking place, it is installed in '/etc'... Explanation
Ulf> wanted please...

	That is not a reason. It is very easy to install a link to
 /etc [even if the file does not yet exist in /etc]. Look at this

	(cd debina/tmp/usr/lib/someplace; ln -s /etc/no-such-file .)

Ulf> 4. tcpquota_1.6.11-1_all.deb 62.8 kB Warning: Remote host denied
Ulf> authentication agent forwarding.

Ulf> This is realy not a Debian thingie question, but I wondered what
Ulf> I should do about this. It happens when I do a 'dupload' (scp)

Ulf> How do I get rid of this, 'man scp' does not reveal any help on
Ulf> this... :)

	do a man ssh. Look for section CONFIGURATION FILES.
              Specifies whether the connection to the authentica­
              tion agent (if any) will be forwarded to the remote
              machine.  The argument must be "yes" or "no".

              Specifies whether X11 connections will be automati­
              cally  redirected  over the secure channel and DIS­
              PLAY set.  The argument must be "yes" or "no".


	BTW, debian-mentors is precisely the right list for this kind
 of a question (isn't debian-devel getting kinda crowded?)

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