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Re: announcement: lintian 0.2 package released

In an attempt to save the world from disaster, Christian Schwarz wrote:

> BTW, you (James) pointed out in a private mail to me that the lintian
> package has priority level `extra'. Do you think the package should get a
> higher priority? (Since the package is `only' intresting for Debian
> maintainers, I thought that the level would be appropriate. Any other
> opinions?)

Not just opinions, but POLICY!
As far as I know, it's still policy that every package should be
"optional", unless there are good reasons to make it anything else.

Reasons to make it less than optional, as was explained by Ian Jackson
many, many, many moons ago, could only include things like "it cannot
operate with other popular packages", or "it may skrew your system".
I don't think 300 people (actually, more, also others on debian-devel)
is few enough to make it extra. 

Reasons to make it more than optional --- Well, please ignore what I'm going
to say, but maybe it should be "essential"? (and reduce it to "optional"
just before a release). Nah, maybe not.

joost witteveen, joostje@debian.org

The upstream maintainer is allowed to do things different 
than Debian, but only if he has good reasons to do so.

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