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Re: Debian-related advertising on debian-announce

bruce@va.debian.org writes:

> I've always published all of the CD vendor ads. I edit them a bit.
> The text there was clearly from Cheap*Bytes, not Debian. Should I edit
> more?

Yes, I think it would be good if you would put in there something


or something.  As it was, it was not clear that it was not the Debian
Project  or SPI that was selling them until one got a bit farther down 
into the message.  I am just concerned that other companies like LSL
that also sell our CDs get a fair mention.  Also it looked like the
CheapBytes CD wasn't including a donation to Debian while the previous 
ones were.

Perhaps it was the length that surprised me.  If there was just a
paragraph or two describing the new CD, the cost, and their webpage,
it would probably have been less of a shock.

> I am still very thankful that I don't have to run the Debian CD sales,
> which would be a great big pain in the butt for me, and that other people
> do it for us at rediculously low prices, certainly less than we would pay
> someone to do it, and that we get more donations from it than we would if
> we did it ourselves.

Oh, I certainly am not advocating SPI making CDs itself.  And I have
nothing against CheapBytes either -- I have ordered Debian CDs from
them in the past and ordered a FreeBSD CD from them just last week.  I

> I think the official CD was about the best thing I did. The long-term version

Yes, the official CD is great.  It helps us avoid things like the
InfoMagic fiasco (actually, "InfoMagic fiascos" would be more like it

> freeze on the official CD was not, however. People are after me to make a
> revised official CD now that this one has come out. Who made that CD? I bet it

Yes, I think revised CDs are useful.  However, since we are so near to 
the release of 2.0, I think there is little point in a new official
1.3.1 CD.

> was Dale. Who asked for the freeze? Dale and Cheap*Bytes. Uh-oh .
> 	Thanks
> 	Bruce

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