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BETTER DIRECTIONS: Bruce Perens and Eric Raymond speak Wednesday

Because of the great probability that we will be swamping Carl's
Junior with people, we have moved the meeting for Wednesday, February
4th to a temporary site.

We will be meeting in the Baypointe conference center in a room called
Snuffy which will seat at least 90.

The address is 191 Baypointe, San Jose.  There is a ciscoSystems sign
in front of the building.  We were able to get http://www.mapquest.com
to spew the maps, and they are on the
http://www.svlug.org/meetings.shtml page.  We could not get the URL to
work outside of their server, however, so you will need to go generate
your own maps.

>From Carl's Junior:
Go north on First Street to Tasman.  You should see University of
Phoenix on the right (southeast corner).  Turn right (east) onto
Tasman.  The first stop sign is Baypointe.  Turn left (north) onto
Baypointe.  Follow the road around the bend to the right, and the
Baypoint conference center is on the right hand side fo the road.

>From 237/880/680:
Get to the Zanker exit off of 237.  Take Zanker Road south to
Baypointe.  If you cross Tasman, you have gone too far.  If you do not
go to far, you will be making a right hand turn onto Baypointe.  If
you do hit Tasman, turn right, and go down to Baypointe.  Turn right
onto Baypointe, and the conference center is on the right, just as

There will be a large sign at Carl's Junior, and it will be in the
meeting room.  There should also be flyers there for you to use to
keep from getting lost.  

Please pass this email on to anyone who does not have the word yet.

rob walker 
ben woodard

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