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Re: possible new official mirror in the US

Will Lowe wrote:
> On Mon, 2 Feb 1998, Behan Webster wrote:
> > or    ftp.ca.us.debian.org    (i.e. Include the state in the fqdn)
> This makes the most sense.  We're going to end up with some longer fqdns,
> but who cares,  really?  The only concern is that we might then have to
> come up with ways of keeping track of other mirrors in countries that
> don't have states -- like,  for instance,  ftp.london.uk.debian.org vs
> ftp.liverpool.uk.debian.org if there were two in the uk.

Unless you want to do:


8) 8) 8)

Presumably it is less likely for a country the size of England to have
multiple mirrors as opposed to someplace like the US.  And to be really
silly, what happens if there is a Debian mirror in both San Diego and
LA?  (i.e. these are cities both in California)

All I'm trying to say is there are problems no matter what you do unless
you use something fairly arbitrary like ftp1.*.debian.org

However, I agree that I prefer ftp.ca.us.debian.org



Behan Webster     mailto:behanw@verisim.com
+1-613-224-7547   http://www.verisim.com/

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