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Re: lintian -- detecting hundrets of bugs within seconds...

>>"Christian" == Christian Schwarz <schwarz@monet.m.isar.de> writes:

Christian> 4. We'll provide any easy way to force dinstall to install
Christian> a package ignoring any errors--without requiring the
Christian> maintainer to reupload the packages. (Currently, dinstall
Christian> moves rejected files into REJECTED/, I think. The
Christian> maintainer can simply move them back into Incoming/ and add
Christian> a file, say foo.lintian-override, to make lintian ignore a
Christian> few error messages.)

	This I don't understand. Why are we making it easy to
 distribute packages with bugs? If the errors do not indicate bugs,
 why are they errors? 

	why not opt for excellence and not install packages with
 errors? Do we really need mainatainers that can't be bothered not to
 produce bug free packages? It is not as if one can't run lintian
 before uploading.

 confused by all this softness on quality control.
 "Is it really you, Fuzz, or is it Memorex, or is it radiation
 sickness?"  Sonic Disruptors comics
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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