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Re: bo-updates - tcl troubles

On Mon, Jan 19, 1998 at 08:15:29PM +1100, Craig Sanders wrote:
> PS: if there was a book on it, i'd be betting on seeing a lot of GUI perl
> apps over the next year or so, using either perl & tk or perl &
> GTK....which would make me happy because i like perl a lot more than i
> like tcl.  perl at least seems to have stabilised - perl4 -> perl5 was a
> big change but one that allows the language to grow incrementally rather
> than incompatibly.  apart from that perl is just a nicer, more useful
> language but i think i'll stop here because that is heading into religious
> territory.

Say.. do you use vi or emacs to edit perl?:P  Seriously, tcl/tk still
seems a bit faster (as opposed to perl-tk - plain perl is definitely
faster than tcl), and a bit easier to use on different platforms.  I
haven't tried with either language, but it looks as if tcl is
significantly easier to use with C.  In fact, that was it's original
purpose - to glue together pieces of C code.

I'm curious to play with perl-gtk though.. that ought to be pretty

In any case, I'm still wondering about the dependencies for the tcl/tk
8.0 packages, because, should one wish (har har) to use tcl, these are
supposedly much faster.

David Welton                          http://www.efn.org/~davidw 

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