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Re: bo-updates - tcl troubles

On Sun, 18 Jan 1998, David Welton wrote:

> heorot# dpkg -i tk*.deb
> Selecting previously deselected package tk8.0-dev.
> dpkg: regarding tk8.0-dev_8.0p2-0bo1.1_i386.deb containing tk8.0-dev:
>  tk8.0-dev conflicts with tk-dev
>   tk42-dev provides tk-dev and is installed.
> dpkg: error processing tk8.0-dev_8.0p2-0bo1.1_i386.deb (--install):
>  conflicting packages - not installing tk8.0-dev
> I'm wondering what I should do about this.  Replace tk42-dev?  As I
> recall, this is not a problem for the bo->hamm update, because all
> -dev packages are purged.  Just forget the while thing?  Sort of a
> pity, given the supposedly big improvements that have been made with
> tcl and tk 8.0.

this doesn't answer your question, i have some of my own.

have tk and/or tcl stabilised at all? are they ever likely to?

IMO tcl and tk would both be a lot more useful if every upgrade wasn't
incompatible with previous versions of the language.  i mostly gave up on
hunting for tcl & tk freeware on the net because just about every useful
thing i found (with noteable exceptions like tkdesk and tkinfo which i
packaged for debian) only worked with a specific version of the language.


PS: if there was a book on it, i'd be betting on seeing a lot of GUI perl
apps over the next year or so, using either perl & tk or perl &
GTK....which would make me happy because i like perl a lot more than i
like tcl.  perl at least seems to have stabilised - perl4 -> perl5 was a
big change but one that allows the language to grow incrementally rather
than incompatibly.  apart from that perl is just a nicer, more useful
language but i think i'll stop here because that is heading into religious

craig sanders

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