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Re: kernel headers---FAQ

On Sat, 17 Jan 1998, Elie Rosenblum wrote:

> What's the big deal? If you don't want to use the debian kernel packaging
> system, don't - but don't assume we want to hear about it. If you're handling
> your own kernel source and headers, just use the equivs package to mark the
> kernel headers as supplied, and handle your own symlinks.

But the question remains: what will happen to users (not linux experts) 
who upgrade to hamm, to the new libc6-dev, which requires
kernel-headers-2.0.32, which cannot be configured, because the user didnt
use the debian kernel packaging system? He was allowed so far to do that
with no problems. Now kernel-headers won't configure, libc6-dev won't
configure because of that... lots of things broken. I think the
kernel-headers postinst shouldn't fail if it cannot create the linux
symlink, or we will break lots of systems while upgrading to hamm. It
would be ok if the postinst warned the user about this, and introduced him
to the debian kernel packaging system, it just should not fail


Madarasz Gergely           gorgo@caesar.elte.hu         gorgo@linux.rulez.org
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