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Re: kernel headers---FAQ

>>"Avery" == Avery Pennarun <apenwarr@worldvisions.ca> writes:

Avery> You may be misinterpreting the FSSTND.  Compare the following
Avery> two statements: "Any non-local source code should be placed in
Avery> this subdirectory." "Any local source code should not be placed
Avery> in this subdirectory."
Avery> The FSSTND, according to your quote, says only (1).  It does
Avery> NOT say (2), which means I am not breaking things by putting
Avery> local source code there, particularly if I am complying with
Avery> the FSSTND by placing the Linux kernel source code in
Avery> /usr/src/linux.

	Semantically, you are correct. However, in practice, if
 /usr/src is where non local src code goes, then if you put local code
 there as well there is no way to avoid conflicts.Rather than saying
 that non-local code be thrown out of /usr/src; I prefer to reserve
 that for vendor code. After all, there is a well established place
 for local code to go already.

Avery> Besides mentioning the fact that people aren't going to like
Avery> this, I'm going to say only that _I_ myself am going to jolly
Avery> well go on using /usr/src myself no matter what you say. (I
Avery> also know what I'm doing.  Many people would be well advised to
Avery> follow the instructions.)
>>  Then don't complain. You break Debian policy on your machine (as
>> is your right), then Debian is no longer responsible for support.

Avery> Just because it's not officially guaranteed to work doesn't
Avery> mean it's not allowed to work.

	Huh? In this case, as you said yourself, it does not work. It
 is not guaranteed to, and it does not. Wheres the beef?

Avery> If kernel-headers would just allow itself to be configured when
Avery> /usr/src/linux is not a link, I would be a happy camper,
Avery> because then I could install libc6 without a --force option,
Avery> thereby validating my existence.  Nothing imaginable would
Avery> break.

	Sorry. I do not like my code to merrily proceed when an
 invariant is broken. 

	As to whether the user may proceed to compie with the FSSTND
 outside of Debian, I do not wish to argue with you. The user may
 choose not to install the Debian libc or make or sed too, and still
 claim to have a "normal" Linux distribution. Debian packages shall
 still fail to install correctly, if the Debian package is not

	If you wish to do things in a non Debian manner, then Debian
 packages may well break. 

	I have nothing further to contribute to this line of

 Voodoo Programming: Things programmers do that they know shouldn't
 work but they try anyway, and which sometimes actually work, such as
 recompiling everything. Karl Lehenbauer
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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