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Re: What's Debian's /usr/src policy

On Fri, Jan 16, 1998 at 01:46:06PM -0600, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> 	Experienced Linux folk download from the horses mouth, but
>      novices find being able to use dpkg-ftp or dft to get kernel
>      sources very comforting. A deb file is justified since there are
>      mechanisms in place to get .deb files to users as seamlessly as
>      possible. 

I ran into a novice the other day who couldn't seem to compile the kernel
successfully.  After getting him to answer a few questions, it became
obvious that he was trying to use a packaged version (Red Hat in this case,
but that's not the point).  Now as an experienced user, I have never even
attempted to compile a kernel using a kernel source package.  So, I
enlightened the novice as to the "standard" way of getting and compiling
the kernel sources.  The next day he wrote back a happy man.

The point:  no matter how well-packaged it is, novices are going to have
problems with it.  And we experienced users won't be able to help them.

One vote against having kernel source packages.

Nathan L. Cutler              (int'l ++420 instead    tel.:   0311-671160
Livingston, s.r.o.             of leading zero)       fax:    0311-671159
livingston@pha.pvtnet.cz                              mobile: 0602-251053

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