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Re: What's Debian's /usr/src policy


	I think we are cose to an understanding ;-)

	Yes, libc6-dev needs a *stable*, static, set of kernel
 headers. David Engel [and Herbert Xu] determined that 2.0.32 was the
 kernel version that was stable, had the fewest problems, and would be

	But we can't just take the kernel headers into libc6, as it
 breaks alpha and sparc (possibly more archs). The other archs use
 totally different header files (or so I am informed).

	So, the libc6-dev on the the other archs would need different
 header files, which results in a large arch dependent diff file.

	However, an alternative is to link to
	/usr/src/linux-2.0.30. This link is provided by just
 kernel-source-2.0.32 or kernel-headers-2.0.32, and *no other* kernel
 package! So, libc6-dev depends can now provide 2.0.32 kernel headers
 *for all architectures*, with no messy architecture dependent
 patches, we always have fixed, static, known good headers in
 /usr/include/{linux,asm}, and this is goodness.

	Is this clearer? 

 Machines should work.  People should think.  -- IBM motto
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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