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Uncompress /usr/doc/copyright/GPL.gz please


One of the programs I'm maintaining (filerunner) has, on its help
menu, options to display some of its documentation (which I
conveniently stick in /usr/doc/filerunner).  This is how it does its
online help.  One of the things it wants to display is the COPYING
file (the normal name for the GPL).  It will not display gzipped
files.  So at the moment, I am left in the unfortunate position of
having to install an uncompressed COPYING in /usr/doc/filerunner.

I would like to set a symlink from COPYING in /usr/doc/filerunner to
GPL in /usr/doc/copyright.  But -- that file is gzipped, so it won't

Can this file be uncompressed in the future?

John Goerzen          | Developing for Debian GNU/Linux (www.debian.org)
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