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interactive sound configuration utility

I understand that the modularized sound drivers are now standard
on Linux 2.0.32 and above. Given that, I think it would be good
if we had a setup utility for sound, like the one provided
with OSS/Linux.

Redhat have a sndconfig to go with the modularization patches
(which they sponsored according to their web site). The latest
sources were only in RPM format, the tar.gz was old, but I managed
to battle with rpm long enough to extract them. (Conspiracy
theories anyone?)

Anyway it seems that sndconfig just probes for PnP cards with
isapnptools' pnpdump and configures them, and only supports SB
cards anyway. It'd be nice to have (I may work on a package(*))
but it isn't exactly what I want. Does anyone know of anything
like this somebody is working on, or are there people interested
in working on it?

(*) Their manual page says that sndconfig configures sound on
the Red Hat Linux system. Is it ok to change this if the software
is GPL? Otherwise it would look strange.

Hamish Moffatt, hamish@debian.org, hamish@rising.com.au, hmoffatt@mail.com
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