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Re: perl5.004 for bo

On 07-Jan-98 Martin Schulze wrote:
> Please file a bug report against the perl package.

I might do that, If I have time... but it really should have been taken care of

> I the meantime you can try the packages I have compiled for
> a much simplier reason:

I appreciate the offer, but it is too late.  I re-formatted, and installed
RedHat.   The bottom line:  I needed something that works, and fast.

> Why not just grab the perl 5.004 source and just compile it?
> That's what I've done iirc.

yeah yeah...  I don't mind that one bit when living on the bleeding edge, 
but when in a production environment,  it just doesn't cut it.   The
perl install process had too many question to which I didn't know for sure
what the answer was.  Maybe the defaults were ok...  but I just don't have the 
time to fuss with it. 

>> I wasted 5 hours yesterday trying to get 5.004 installed, but to no
>> avail.  If Debian is interested in keeping commercial use
>> of Linux, this kind of issue needs to be fixed ASAP.
> This sounds quite unfriendly for me.  Who pays us that we
> *have to* update the packages?  I'd appreciate any hint for
> security fixes or things that we had forgotton (we're only
> humans, you know?) but I get offended if people are telling
> me what I _have to_ do in my spare time.

I'm not attacking any one person.  I'm not attacking anyone.  Here's the scoop:
I hung around on IRC for a while, and the only suggestions were to try the
5.003 patch on 5.004 (impossible task)  or upgrade to hamm.  Both are very 
frustrating when the whole thing needed to be installed and running hours 

I found on the website that the security bug in perl was indeed found.  I'm just
 wondering why it wasn't applied to bo.  I guess to sum it all up, I'm trying to
 say to the debian organization as a whole:  don't focus on hamm so much that
bo gets out of date!   The business world will never run hamm until it is 
declared stable (and maybe not even then)  Sure, RedHat 5.0 may be a big hit,
but I'll bet that very few business have upgraded yet.  (Hopefully, as it's 
still buggy)

> Again: Please file a bugreport against perl so that a new
> perl will be installed in bo alias stable.

Thanks Joey, I will indeed do that.  I may not use it anytime in the near 
future, but I will contribute nonetheless.  I mean no offense to you or anyone.
I just can't use a system that is "so close, yet so far". 

My apologies if I came across rude, I am upset that I lost 5 hours of 
work due to such a silly problem, which IMHO should not have existed in the 
first place.

I just wonder how something this big slipped past so many people for this long.

David Morton                         
E-Mail: mortonda@esuvm.emporia.edu           
Date: 07-Jan-98 Time: 19:08:43  CST -600 GMT        

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