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Re: What's Debian's /usr/src policy

Dale Scheetz <dwarf@polaris.net> writes:

> I don't see why not? Simply take the debian diffs and apply them against
> *today's* kernel and you are off and running. The kernel file organization
> hasn't changed in ages. (I hope that doesn't mean that someone will change
> it simply because it is old and stable ;-)

I was under the impression that Debian had a bunch of kernel patches
in the Debian diffs as well as the Debianization info.  Given an
arbitrary new kernel, some of these patches may fail.  Whereas
kernel-package via make-kpkg just includes the debian/* stuff which is
all I care about.

> This is clearly a "different strokes" issue. I'm sure there will be two
> sides to this discussion for the indefinite future.

Without doubt.

Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu>
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