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Re: What's Debian's /usr/src policy

Dale Scheetz <dwarf@polaris.net> writes:

> I will also never feel comfortable with an automatic process editing my
> lilo.config file. I am set up to boot several linux partitions as well as
> a dos partition and a loop-root system. I am much happier editing that
> beast myself thankyou ;-)

Dale, I think you must misunderstand how kernel-package works.  It
never touches your lilo.conf file.  You just have to have entries
pointing to /vmlinuz and /vmlinux.old, and then it just runs lilo in
the postinst.  All of kernel-package's work wrt lilo is confined to
updating the /vmlinuz and /vmlinuz-old pointers.

Actually, I'm not completely sure I got the kernel locations right
because I use a couple of little known kernel-package features:

  image_in_boot := True
  DEB_DEST := ../kernel-images

so that I have no "/" level kernel symlinks, and so that when
make-kpkg builds a kernel image package, it puts it in
../kernel-images rather than ../ .  I got tired of looking at those
humongous file names in /usr/src.

I think other people have sufficiently covered the other advantages of
kernel-package, but I'll add that your suggested solution of just
using kernel-source doesn't work if you want to use *today's* kernel

Also, I've witnessed someone else, who doesn't want to use
kernel-package (which is fine) leave their system unbootable by
forgetting to run lilo after a manual install.  That's impossible if
you use the .debs.

Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu>
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