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Re: New Maintainer for libc5/libc6

Okay.  The version I sent you contains two fixes (aside from the
extra changelog entries).

Ray Dassen added an entry for libc5-dbg to the control file (both
debian/control and debian/control.hamm).  This is necessary because
the debian/rules file tries to build libc5-dbg, and fails if it
doesn't find a control entry for it.

I added three lines to the control entry for libc5-dev:

CONFLICTS: libc (<<4.6.27-11), libc-dev
PROVIDES: libc-dev
REPLACES: ppp (<<2.2.0f-22)

I took them from the libc5-dev in bo.  The conflict/provide of
libc-dev is needed to make it conflict with libc6-dev (it installs
mostly the same files, so it has to).  I don't know why it conflicts
with old libc versions.  It replaces old ppp versions because it
replaces some files.  (I remember an old bug report about that).

Richard Braakman

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