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Re: debhelper design change - RFC (long)

>>>>> "Joey" == Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net> writes:

    Joey> Ben Gertzfield wrote:

    Ben> I agree, and would prefer #3 -- but is there anything but
    Ben> dh_installdirs that needs to be changed if we do it that way?

    Joey> Yes. This change would effect at least:

    Joey> dh_installdirs, dh_installdocs, dh_installchangelogs,
    Joey> dh_installexamples, dh_undocumented, dh_installmanpages, and
    Joey> dh_suidregister.

Okay. Is there any way we can possibly detect and issue a warning if
someone tries the old behavior (when would this happen) if we go with
#3, also?

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Ben Gertzfield <http://www.imsa.edu/~wilwonka/> Finger me for my public
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