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Re: Debian Mirrors

In debian-devel, steveh@eecs.umich.edu wrote:
>rsync? When did rsync become available?  Was this announced somewhere
>else besides on debian-devel?  Being a listed mirror of Debian, I'm
>suprised at how far out of the loop I am.  Is there a mailing list for
>Debian mirrors that I'm not aware of?  I get tons of mirror
>announcements from Redhat, but I've never heard anything from Debian,
>I've always had to search on my own.
>I'd be willing to contribute more resources to the mirroring effort if
>that would be helpful, such as accepting pushes if it can be done
>securely. We have pretty good connectivity...

Stuff to read:

People to bug:
Jason Gunthorpe <jgg@debian.org>

The gist of it all is, Debian is setting up a push-mirror network using
rsync, and getting as many mirrors as possible set up to be
http.us.debian.org, making all files available using HTTP, anonymous
rsync, and oh yeah, FTP. :)
Robert Woodcock - rcw@oz.net
"Unix and C are the ultimate computer viruses" -- Richard Gabriel

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