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Re: Which PGP?

On Thu, Oct 15, 1998 at 11:36:47AM -0700, Ben Gertzfield wrote:
> >>>>> "Dave" == Dave Swegen <dave@recursive.prestel.co.uk> writes:
>     Dave> Out of curiosity, which version of PGP is the debian de
>     Dave> facto standard.  I'm currently using v5, but I've seen a
>     Dave> number of people use 2.6...
> Debian uses 2.6 for now. 5 is a bit incompatible with other versions,
> and it includes sneaky key escrow systems that people don't trust.

AFAIK those "Key Escrow" sneakness systems are only in the comercial
version and are optional.

(kind o fmakes sense to have a "Company Key" for buisness related stuff
so that if you die tomorow, the company can still recover its data)

> We're actually moving to gpg soon, so this will all be moot. :)

How soon? last I heard it wasn't quite ready yet. 
I would personally lovce to start using gpg at least as a test now...
as long as it wont interfere with my current pgp use too...

any pointers? does mutt support it? I take it it doesn''t use idea/rsa 
lik ePGP does by default?


/* -- Stephen Carpenter <sjc@delphi.com> --- <sjc@debian.org>------------ */
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