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Imlib NMU

I just talked to Shaleh, the previous Imlib maintainer.  It was intentional to
use libjpegg6a for imlib.  6a and 6b do not play well together.  Your NMU
breaks every Imlib-using GNOME package out there. Therefore I am overriding
it.  Please go through the correct channels next time, instead of going out
and doing NMUs of other peoples packages without a so much as a by-your-leave.
That is the whole point of the Bug tracking system.  I check my mail regularly,
as does Shaleh.  Let us know before you go out doing stuff that affects 
other people's packages.
  Going to libjpegg6b is fine.  But all the other packages have to make it 
there as well.  



Brian Almeida <bma@debian.org>   http://www.debian.org/~bma/
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