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Thank you!!! Re: Okay then, incremental compiling and loading... Re: Free debugger that can do source debugging without executable.


I grabbed cint and compiled it and it does _exactly_ what I wanted. What
I originally wanted was a pure interpreter as I said in my original
mail. I mentioned the incremental compiling and loading thing only
because I thought there might be a better chance of such a beast
existing. cint will let you step through uncompiled source and display
global and local variables at any time and do a million other useful and
powerful things. This should definately be packaged for Debian. Casually
perusing the license it seems that it's free for non-commercial use and
if you use it commercially you need to register with Hewlett Packard of
Japan or something....

The source tree has four different Linux 2.x targets including RH5.1 but
I couldn't get any of them to compile right. It appears to be a termcap
issue. I tried replacing -ltermcap with -lncurses to see if I could get
ncurses' termcap emulation working but nope, and the termcap-compat
package from hamm/admin (not in Slink yet) didn't change a thing either.
The build did work with the 'minimum' target though and it's working



Hein Roehrig wrote:
> Christopher Barry <cbarry@2xtreme.net> wrote:
> > How about incremental compiling and loading then? I've heard that
> > there were Lisp environments that were doing this in the
> > 1980s. Given C's popularity, and the fact that it's more than a
> > decade later, is there an incremental compiling and loading
> > environment for C?
> Check out http://root.cern.ch/. It does not do exactly what you want,
> but it should get pretty close.
> Regards,
> Hein
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